Oklahoma State University, The Best Students, The Best State UniversitySoil Nutrient Management
SOIL 4234


Soil Nutrient Management, Oklahoma State University
Soil Nutrient Management

Salinity Lab

2011 Lab Results from Lab group 1
Trt 1       lab Pages/2011 Lab/Lab Saline and Sodic Soils 1.xlsx
Trt 2        lab Pages/2011 Lab/lab4_trt2_section1.xlsx
Trt 3        lab Pages/2011 Lab/lab 4 data.xlsx
Trt 4        lab Pages/2011 Lab/Plant and Soiltrt4.xlsx
Trt 5, 6    lab Pages/2011 Lab/Soil4234_Lab4_Group5,6.xlsx



Saline Soil is characterized by

 > 2,600 ppm Soluble salts or an  EC 4mmhos/cm

Sodic or Alkali Soil is characterized by
> 15% of the cation exchanges sites occupied by Na.

1mmhos/cm = 1mS

Relative Information Handout

Saline Soil Reclamation Lab and Case Study Handout

Related Links
Managing Saline Soils

Saline Soil RECLAMATION Example!!!!

Saline Soils of the World

Salt-affected lands are reflected as saline seeps in dryland agriculture and secondarily salinized irrigated lands (Tanji 1995). Table 2 shows that globally more than 77 million ha of land is salt-affected by human-induced salinization (Oldeman et al. 1991). The authors have not distinguished between the extent of salt-affected land in irrigated and non-irrigated areas.

Sodic Soils of the World






Comprehensive information on Nitrogen Use Efficiency for cereal crop production