Oklahoma State University, The Best Students, The Best State UniversitySoil Nutrient Management
SOIL 4234


Soil Nutrient Management, Oklahoma State University
Soil Nutrient Management


Lecture Syllabus

Important Dates

SOIL 4234 – Fall 2012 – Calendar / Syllabus

Lecture 11:30-12:20               Room 201 Ag Hall





20    Orientation / Introduction.
Reasons for studying soil nutrient management and impact

22   Historical observations, Mitscherlich and Bray concepts

24   Mitscherlich and Bray concepts, general models (cont.)

27    Essential plant nutrients and the chemical form absorbed

 29   International Impact of Soil Fertility**

 31   General rules of ion solubility





5    Nutrient mobility in soils and factors affecting it.

7     Plant functions of essential nutrients

10   Plant functions of essential nutrients   

12    Soil acidity and buffer capacity

14   Soil acidity and liming

17    Saline and sodic soils

19    Saline and sodic soils

21    Exam 1

24   Soil and fertilizer N

26    N-Transformations

  28    N-Transformations


1   N-Fertilizers 

3   N-Fertilizers

Soil testing and N fertilizer rec.

8  Soil and Fertilizer P

10   Soil P reactions

12     Fall Break

15  Soil P reactions

17    Soil test P, calibration and correlation

19  Fertilizer P

22  Industry **

24    Turf **

26   Methods of P fertilization

29    Soil test report interpretations and fertilizer rec

31   Soil test report interpretations and fertilizer rec


2   Exam 2

5   Soil and Fertilizer K

7   Soil and Fertilizer K

9   Fertilizer K

12  **

14  **

16    Soil and Fertilizer S, Ca, Mg 

19    Soil and Fertilizer S, Ca, Mg

21   Thanksgiving Break

23     University Holiday

26    Micronutrients

 28    Micronutrients

 30    Micro Nutrients


3   Soil Testing

5   Grid Sampling and  Soil EC

7    Tissue Testing

10    FINAL

Final EXAM, Monday December 10, 10-12


A minimum of 15 maximum of 30 quizzes will be over the period of the semester

Lecture Grade:
Homework:  Approx 10%
Quiz Scores:  Approx 30%
Exams 1 and 2:  12.5% each
Final Exam: 25%

Soil 4234 Grade:
Lecture: 75%
Lab:  25%

A: 90-100
B: 80-90
C: 70-80
D: 60-70
F: 50-60

Attendance:  Mandatory,
No make ups allowed on missed quizzes or exams.
Students with excessive absences  4 or more, will receive F.


Comprehensive information on Nitrogen Use Efficiency for cereal crop production